Assorted Magnets
Laser-cut steel, stone tumbled and finished with a distressed metal patina treatment. Clear coated with durable automotive clear-coat. Backed with a Rare Earth magnet.
Anchor 75mm top to bottom
Butterfly 65mm wing tip to wing tip
Dolphin 100mm tail tip to forehead
Dragonfly 70mm wing tip to wing tip
Fishing Boat 68mm stern to bow
Gecko 93mm nose to tail
Humpback Whale 105mm nose to tail tip
Octopus 78mm head to toe
Seahorse 88mm head to tail
Shark 114mm tail tip to pectoral fin tip
Ships wheel 75mm
Skull & Crossbones 70mm
Starfish 75mm tip to tip
Tuna 95mm nose to tail tip
Turtle 82mm nose to tail