The Captain and his crew...
Gillian Pincott - The Manager is a bit of a computer whiz and made this website without knowing what she was doing.....and yes, she is the one typing this :-) Gillian has many years experience in sales as well as office administration and has a ready supply of jokes and sends most people from the shop laughing.
2020 - Gillian is now the only family member at the shop and looks after everything.
Running a business by yourself is a lot of hard work and she gets very cranky if you come in while talking on your phone. If you do come in and are rude (she will ask you to go outside and change out of your cranky pants!). She has no problem with speaking her mind but is completely honest and will tell you where you can get items if she doesn't sell them.
David Pincott (was one of the kids on board) is taking a well earnt break from the business for a while. He will be focusing on his music and being the excellent musician that he is. David will be busy with gigs all over town now that he doesn't have to come and hang with his bossy sister at work.